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Тема: Elected Emperor
Добавлено: 20 12 2007 09:38:05
Выдержка из статьи в TIMES

TIME's Person of the Year is not and never has been an honor. It is not an endorsement.
It is not a popularity contest. At its best, it is a clear-eyed recognition of the world as it is and of the most powerful individuals and forces shaping that world—for better or for worse. It is ultimately about leadership—bold, earth-changing leadership. Putin is not a boy scout. He is not a democrat in any way that the West would define it. He is not a paragon of free speech. He stands, above all, for stability—stability before freedom, stability before choice, stability in a country that has hardly seen it for a hundred years. Whether he becomes more like the man for whom his grandfather prepared blinis—who himself was twice TIME's Person of the Year—or like Peter the Great, the historical figure he most admires; whether he proves to be a reformer or an autocrat who takes Russia back to an era of repression—this we will know only over the next decade. At significant cost to the principles and ideas that free nations prize, he has performed an extraordinary feat of leadership in imposing stability on a nation that has rarely known it and brought Russia back to the table of world power. For that reason, Vladimir Putin is TIME's 2007 Person of the Year.

The only evidence that fate played a part in Putin's story comes from his grandfather's job: he cooked for Joseph Stalin, the dictator who inflicted ungodly terrors on his nation.

см. также A Tsar Is Born
X20-12-2007 10:02 #1
Группа: Passive
I have already heard about something like that... Probably, about Stalin.
Russian leaders seemed not to appear in that nomination since the time of Gorbachev. I suppose it's a sign (((
Мария Гринберг20-12-2007 10:52 #2
Мария Гринберг
Группа: Passive
and what does it mean, что, на русском сайте уже нечего сказать по-русски?
p(tash)ka20-12-2007 11:05 #3
Группа: Passive
Мария Гринберг, говорите, если есть. Свобода слова)
Алари20-12-2007 12:18 #4
Группа: AdmX
Imperor от слова Imp? :)
creativity under attack
p(tash)ka20-12-2007 12:50 #5
Группа: Passive
.20-12-2007 13:11 #6
Группа: Passive
хы, понравилась приписочка про дедушку-повара ) глубоко копают, негодные.

забавно, спасибо)
p(tash)ka20-12-2007 19:42 #7
Группа: Passive
согласно порядку статьи приписка о дедушке предшествует основному куску)
.20-12-2007 20:12 #8
Группа: Passive
ну это меняет дело в сторону еще более забавную )

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