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Donald Switcher
Donald Switcher
Перейти к дневнику Donald Switcher
Настроение: quaterwindower
Музыка: radiohead
Тема: lullabies of festivals
Добавлено: 11 10 2007 23:29:38
Закладки: pitypitip
let it make a shot of opium
dimly glowing as my nephew spills
litres of branch shivers in the sheets
other-litter, rest of all will fall from us
last of them would wear an angry sweater
pass behind your mannikin of yellow
yawning, handing over stress a letter:




in need of shelter
ankle's full with crooks without balloons
ironcatalogues with types of napkins
that's "no use"
born with phantoms
this my inches hushing you the truth
past times running tongues on starving worms
let us spitting colourful umbrellas
children-wellingtons step puddles shores
heal you, heal us all from vaccine-venoms
belly under clockwork eye-lid's forklift
let it be the spoon with hungry factories
tight in tangs but clover- gloves won't live through this
commas deeply rooted, gems of profit-cliffs
but forth- numbed your legs in cylinders
sick & wet of being your door-knob
rotten palms- cremated couple willingness
foreigners in chamber, push the 'STOP'
pause them, drink them badly, slaves on sandmans- list
in a sweat of face, in moss of lullaby
i'm your sitter glitterin in strings
underline your notes saliva's berth in signs
flickering a lilies, 40 winks
in imp's teardrops.... in the secret sleeves
hold your muted mother spirit's crown
point on sums with sperm- or as it seems
you're sleepy
fur like shade begonia for this
my aspid fists, in laundry tentacles
crying to protect you from the stall
veins nocturnal marathon in crucifix
worn out wig of pillow


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